Ionic Local Notifications Part 1: The Hidden Details
Ionic Tip: Quickly restyle the Cordova In App Browser Plugin
Skip my rambly intro and go right to the solution Intro I just ran into an issue with the Cordova In App Browser plugin today. A client wanted to of course keep the user within their “app experience” while still showing external links, so of course I installed and used the cordova in app browser […]
Code Day Summer 2016: Voice driven web apps
Hey CodeDayers, this time my workshop is on voice driven web apps. This might sound complicated, but thanks to Google’s speech recognition and voice synthesis software it’s actually really easy! We’ll be building a knock knock joke app that both talks and listens for your response. Check it out here: knock knock app You will need […]
Using Gestures Hold, Double Tap, and more in the Ionic 2 Beta
Role Based Authentication in Node with MySQL, Passport, Bookshelf, and Express
As a Java developer, I wanted something in Node that worked similarly to Spring Security. A lot of research and experimentation went in to creating the simplest secured API I could. This is the result, an API written in Express that connects to a MySQL database with Bookshelf, and is secured with Passport’s JWT strategy.
Neural Network VS Algorithm

Neural networks are pretty amazing and now you can just have one run right in your browser with brain.js. I wanted to learn about this whole neural network thing, so I decided to see how accurately I could get a neural network to replicate a fairly complex algorithm.
Side Project Retrospective: Truth Decay

I made this site for my friend Saul for his brilliant art project “Truth Decay”. A combination of photography, videography, modeling, and sculpture/fashion design, I was really psyched to get to do the website for the project. Also, Saul said he would make me a painting as payment, so I also did it for a painting (you still owe me Saul <3).