The Making of The 13th Floor (JS13k 2024)

Intro This game builds upon my 3d game engine I’ve used the last 2 years, for more background on the more foundational parts of the game engine, read about last years entry and my entry from two years ago. Pre-Comp Engine Improvements Collision Detection After many experiments with different collision detection methods, I decided to […]
The Making of UPYRI – JS13k 2023 Post Mortem

After Last Years Competition At the end of last year’s competition, I knew there were a handful of things I wanted to do to prepare for the following year. Toolset While I had already come up with a pretty good build process before last years competition, there were a few annoying things about it. The […]
WebGL Shadow Maps Part 2: Lighting

In part one we got the basic technique working and created a shadow map. To keep part one as focused as possible, no other lighting calculations were done, leaving us with a shadow map but some weird self shadowing. Now we’re going to smooth our pixelated edges, add lighting calculations, clean up our code, and […]
WebGL Shadow Maps Part 1: As Simple as Possible

Shadow maps are surprisingly not too hard to implement in WebGL, at least not much harder than regular texturing, but you wouldn’t know that by looking for tutorials on them. The aim of this post is to fix that and provide a walkthrough from the simplest possible shadow map implementation to a reasonably nice final implementation. […]
The Making of Charon Jr. (JS13K Postmortem)
Math for Game Development and WebGL Part 6: Matrix Math Intro
Math for Game Development and WebGL Part 5: Rotating a Vector
Math for Game Development and WebGL Part 4: Sine, Cosine, and Tangent

Now we’re going to talk about math with triangles and certain measurements and properties of triangles. Also known as, trigonometry. It’s not as scary as it sounds. We already know the Pythagorean theorem, we used it to find the magnitude (aka length) of our vector. It turns out that other properties of triangles are very […]